Monday, January 28, 2008

Heard the one about the Arab comedians?

Comedy has developed and changed over time. Creative comedians are using the power of laughter to break down cultural and religious barriers. There are still certain things you don’t joke about if you are an Arab comedian and more particularly a Muslim Arab comedian, and even more particularly a female Muslim Arab comedian.

One positive aspect of being an Arab comedian is that it helps break down the stereotypes of minorities as seen in the non Muslim community.
Maysoon Zayid is a Palestinian actress, comedian who has caused some ripples of anxiety by challenging socially acceptable and religious doctrines.

At the start of her performance she introduces herself as a Palestinian Muslim virgin and adds.

“I just want you guys to know that I am a virgin by choice…..and that’s my father’s choice.”
“My father has spent the majority of my life terrified that I will accidentally lose my virginity, so there’s a list of activities I am not allowed to do. There is no horseback riding, not even on a carousel.”

Zayid won’t joke about 9/11 or go so far as to mock her own religion.
She pushes the envelope as far as she can, but is always aware that Arabs are vilified in the media and going too far can get somebody killed.

Further reading.

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