Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Philippines Entertainment and Nightlife

As far as a tourism is concerned, it is my opinion that The Philippines is one the most underrated countries in Asia.
I visit there regularly and over the years have become very fond of the place and people.

I am not a sightseer by nature, and though provincial areas offer some very interesting opportunities, my personal choice is to focus on Philippines entertainment in the capital of Manila.

Although The Philippines entertainment opportunities are varied and in many cases adult oriented, there is one pervading factor that makes The Philippines unique in this area.

The key factor is the overwhelming friendliness of the people.

Once you make an effort to learn a few words in their native language of Tagalog, you will be well rewarded by the warmth you will receive from The Filipinos.

Take this new found warmth and find a local bar, or karaoke joint, and I guarantee you won’t feel like an outsider.
I have had the most fun in really rundown bars. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself, grabbing the microphone for a warble after you have had a few beers.
No need to feel bashful. Even the bus drivers sing while they drive.
The Filipinos all speak English as well as Tagalog, so you will have no difficulty in joining in on conversations, and if you show them that you are interested in any part of their culture, you will be treated as a friend.
Actually I have found that because The Philippines does not get as many tourists as other parts of Asia, Filipinos love it when you talk up their country.

Manila has some great places to go. One of my favorites is The LA Café in the entertainment precinct of Malate.
Here you can find a different rock band every night, and WIFI if you want to bring your laptop while you enjoy your drink.
Many single girls hang out there, if you are looking for company.
The place is open twenty four hours, and you can pop in anytime and they will make you a snack while you surf the net.
There is no cover charge. Walk along the same street and you will find a myriad of other bars where you can sing karaoke, listen to others sing, play pool, eat and drink.
I like to get out to some of the comedy clubs where they present a mix of comedy and music.
I have used to the comedians noticing my white face among the crowd of Filipinos. They always pick on me, and it’s all good natured fun.
Everything is cheap. The drinks and the food are very affordable. You will never break the budget
Mostly I go out to these places with my Filipina friend, and during the weekend when the venues are full, we sometimes share a table with local Filipinos. Somehow it always turns out to be party and there are introductions all round and friendships made.
When the bands are on, they do their local hits, plus requests in English.
Filipinos are excellent musicians.
The custom is to write your request on piece of paper and then hand the paper with a small tip to the waiter.
He will hand it to the band and they will sing it for you.. Chances are that they will ask you your name and invite you to join in.
This can very good or very bad, depending on your talent, but it is always fun.

If you want to sample more adult oriented entertainment, then Manila will not leave you wanting with things like bikini bars, hostess bars and go-go bars.
I do not intend to go into detail about them in this post but maybe later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

L A Cafe use to be run by 2 Serb war criminals ! Same pukes ran Jurassic , I think it burnt down , imagine that ! But I agree anywhere in the Phils is a party!

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